

We are always challenging the new.
We aim to provide customers with the highest value and better experiences through creative technology innovation and change.

Our Business

Realize Your Vision

Namboo Solutions Co., Ltd. leads the ICT convergence technology by integrating ICT technology into various fields ranging from EMS (Energy Management System) in the energy sector, CTC (Centralized Train Control) in the railway signal sector, Internet of Things (IoT), to the broadcasting and communication sectors.
  • Energy

  • Railway

  • IoT

  • Information and Communication

Research Areas

Changing The World
Through Creative Research

Namboo Solutions Co., Ltd. is accelerating its research and development efforts to lead ICT convergence technology. This includes developing new energy management technologies, conducting research and development for domestication of core technologies in the railway signaling sector, researching security technologies to be applied in railway signaling and IoT, and advancing research and development in challenging new technologies by applying artificial intelligence and deep learning to introduce ICT convergence technologies.
  • Energy

  • Railway

  • Security

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Railway SOLUTION A company specializing in railway-related technologies (Hardware & Software) such as IRU, STU, KMC.
  • Control SOLUTION A company dedicated to developing control systems such as EMS and ERP.
  • CONSTRUCTION A company performing electrical, communication, fire protection, renewable energy, and railway signaling construction.

Contact NBsolution

Namboo Solution Co., Ltd. welcomes inquiries related to our technology with an open partnership mindset.

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